Coastal posthumanities
A forthcoming special issue of Anthropocenes: Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 2022. Co-edited by SARAH BEZAN, JAMES SMITH, & RICH O’GORMAN.
The aim of this co-edited collection is to draw from interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies to address the complex entangled webs of agency, political ecology, technology, culture, and infrastructure mediating human coastal cultures and coastal biodiversity. Particular focus will be placed on the stories, challenges and critical questions surrounding the relationship between coastal cultures and more-than-terrestrial aquatic and littoral animal communities.
SEX AND NATURE in the anthropocene
A forthcoming special issue of Environmental Humanities, 2022. Co-edited by SARAH BEZAN & INA LINGE.
This special issue explores the emergent practices, aesthetics, methodologies, and conceptual histories of the categories of “sex” (gender/sexuality/erotics/bodies) and “nature” (environment/non-human/the natural) from the nineteenth century to the increasingly perilous epoch known as the Anthropocene. Showcasing transnational and transhistorical approaches, the contributors to this issue utilize a broad historical and cultural scope that comprehensively traces the development of these entangled categories across Western and non-Western knowledge frameworks. We argue that emerging research in Anthropocene studies is in need of more rigorous historicization if it is to confront regressive thinking about sex and nature and to instead offer a broader array of possibilities for inclusive kinship and more-than-human relations. The contributors to our special issue illuminate how “naturalizing” sex and “sexing” nature ought to be understood in light of unprecedented environmental changes such as species loss, habitat destruction, pollution, and ecological decline, and further explores how these intersect with ecological systems of desire and erotics.
animal remains
Routledge: Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture Series, 2022. Co-edited by SARAH BEZAN & ROBERT MCKAY.
As we move ever-deeper into the unfolding epoch of the Anthropocene, this volume marks a threshold moment in animal studies that articulates how a focused critique of animal remains might in turn respond to climate crises, unprecedented species losses, energy collapse, and unjust relations between human and nonhuman animals in Western and non-Western contexts. We argue that animal remains have never been more central to thinking about the formation of communities of the living and the dead that anchor us to the past and direct us into an uncertain environmental future.
Taxidermic Forms and Fictions
A special issue of Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science and Technology, 2019. Co-edited by SARAH BEZAN & SUSAN MCHUGH.
This special issue examines taxidermic forms and fictions that come “out of hiding”, revealing their capacity to shape narrative forms and fictions between human and nonhuman animals.
seeing animals after derrida
Rowman & Littlefield Ecocritical Theory & Practice Series, 2018. Co-edited by SARAH BEZAN & JAMES TINK.
Seeing Animals After Derrida charts a new course in animal studies that re-examines Jacques Derrida's enduring thought on the animal in his seminal 1997 Cerisy conference, "The Animal That Therefore I Am." Building new proximities with the animal in and through -- and in times in spite of -- the visual apparatus, this collection of essays investigates how the recent turn in animal studies towards new materialism, speculative realism, and object-oriented ontology prompts a renewed engagement with Derrida's animal philosophy. In taking up the matter of Derrida's treatment of animality for the current epoch, the contributors of this book each present a case for new philosophical approaches and aesthetic paradigms that challenge the ocularcentrism of Western culture.